Fundraiser for the CCA -
This painting is offered in a raffle, where the funds raised, go to purchase easels and equipment for a new school in Edmond, OK The Conservatory for Classical Art. There are ten prizes and only thirty tickets to be sold. Search www.classicalart.org and go to the "more" tab to view the raffle section where you will see the other prizes offered and ticket purchase information. While your on the site, hit the "workshops" tab for the scheduled artists, so far, for 2012. Dan Robinson - Landscape Painting, Andrew Ameral - 2D Anatomy / Ecorche, Peggi Kroll-Roberts - The Costumed Model, Scott Waddell - Portrait Painting. The "Adult classes" and "Youth Classes" tabs will open the instruction offered by Leslie Lienau, the school's founder, for great instruction that meets weekly for anyone living in the Oklahoma City, Edmond and surrounding areas.
I visited your blog, I love your painting. You have a very good technique.